Three sketches from a 2000 sketchbook. I watercolored right into the book, even though the paper is thin and meant for pencil or pen. I redrew the sketches on watercolor paper, but they didn't come out as well as the originals. I find that often - that the spontaneity of a sketch is more interesting than a careful, planned drawing. It seems especially true if I'm using sketches for a more finished work.
Oranges. Pears. Pears. Pears. Pears.
The table color was a hard decision, because in real life it's a little darker than the color of my easel.
Acrylic on linen and on cotton canvas. Feb. 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Taking photos of a painting as it progresses reminds me later how indirect the route to a finished work is, and it's a relief to remember when I'm struggling through a different painting. In this painting I am finally seeing, thinking in and interpreting three dimensions. It's a whole new world. Winter Landscape 2012 Acrylic on canvas 24" x 36"
We never had much snow this past winter. Snow makes such interesting shadows and such high contrast color and light. But I did find that there were still shadows visible on the grass and that they had color. These are smaller landscapes. 9" x 12" and 11" x 14"